Sunday, 26 June 2011


25/6. I woke up to a lovely Newbury morning. That makes it 2 mornings in a row! Lacking my cap, I was forced to use my wide brimmed hat. Ian asked me "kie estas viajn korkojn? To which I replied "mi ne havas gxijn" Surely the UK have wide brimmed hats, cxu ne? 
I found out there is the "Newbury coat" show in town. This is where a coat is made from sheep's back to completed coat in under 13 hours using traditional methods. Very interesting. The local farmer new a lot about the Australian sheep industry, although he is British. I saw another strange sign (below) in a location that does not appear very convenient. If I was in a traction engine, I would not see that sign down there.
After tagmangxo, they came out. I guess it was inevitable, being the homeland and all. But for some strange reason, I thought I could avoid them. I guess it is their nature, in their blood. The infectious disease that saw the English colonize the world. And with them came.......... The Morris Dancers! Totally unavoidable. (pic below). These ones were even more dangerous than the Australian variety as they dragged up poor unsuspecting kids for the last dance and tried to infect them with the Morris. Oh The Humanity!

After barely escaping with our sense of taste, we ventured down the canal. The canal boats were great; I would love a cruise in one of them. I would post a pic, but I nave none on my phone. We returned to the house through a field with waist high grass. My sense of self preservation kicked in and I immediately thought of snakes. Turns out, snakes are rare, and the most common is not poisonous.

Later in the day, I walked the town myself, looking for food. I came across 3 people drinking at the pub "the lamb". They responded in English! For a brief moment, speaking English felt strange. They informed me of a place called "Reo's" with the claim "probably the best flame grilled burgers in the south". (pic below) Well they can't be worse than what I had in London. I will give them a try.  Turns out, their good. Onward I dordle. There must be over 10 pubs in this town.
I return to the house, and, bonan nokton.

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